Monday, February 9, 2009

About this blog!

Hello there! This is my second blog, yay! I started my first, Tessonja's Raw Food Journey, as I was transitioning away from being an overeating "junk food vegan" with the inention of eating more pure, healthy, whole foods. I was inspired by Natalia Rose's book, Raw Food Life Force Energy to include more raw foods in my diet, along with many other changes in my daily routine. I was experiencing a major transformation in my body and diet and I wanted to share my experience because I could tell I was "on to something." So there my blog was born. And my experiences have been wonderful! Throughout my journey (so far) I have overcome a lot of anxiety about "the proper diet." I picked up a lot of good tips from the books I read, and found the greatest results and clarity from designing my own diet and lifestyle based on the principles I decided were best for me. I finally reached my perfect weight! And my journey continues every day and I will continue to share my new experiences and insights on my Raw Food Journey blog.

This new blog is another way for me to share a different aspect of my passion for food. It will be less of a journal than my last blog, less focused on raw foods, and aimed more at vegan food in general (of course there will still be raw recipes!) It will include my own vegan recipes and pictures, links to my favortie recipes, reviews of products and books, and tips and insights for anyone interested in transitioning to a healthier diet (vegan or not!) I will share diet tips that work based on my own experience and recipes for all stages of "the vegan transition."

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